GVCC Foundation College Scholarships for Sahuarita and Walden Grove High School Seniors

GVCC Foundation Inc.

  • What is the Foundation?

    The purpose of the GVCC Foundation, Inc. is to award scholarships to deserving students graduating from the Sahuarita School District and seminary students residing in the Desert Southwest United Methodist Conference. The scholarships continue each year, until graduation (not to exceed 4 years), as long as the requirements and grade point average are maintained.

    While the Foundation is a separate corporation from the United Methodist Church of Green Valley, it is composed of members of the United Methodist Church of Green Valley. Gifts to the Foundation can be made numerous ways. These include estate planning, donations of cash, stocks, property, etc. or a memorial contribution. Scholarships are financed using the interest only, so the principal remains untouched, making the gifts perpetual.

    The Green Valley Community Church Foundation, Inc. is a tax exempt (501c3) corporation organized and operated for the support of educational, religious or charitable purposes of the United Methodist Church of Green Valley.

  • How Can Gifts Be Made?

    All gifts can be given in honor or in memory of someone, even anonymously.

    Outright Gift – These can include cash, stocks, bonds, automobiles, trucks or real estate. All gifts can be given in honor or in memory of someone, even anonymously.

    Real Estate – a gift of a personal residence or farm may be made to the Foundation now, while you continue to live there, or through your will at death.

    Gift Annuity – You may transfer property (cash, securities, etc) to the Foundation while retaining the right to receive the income while alive. After death the remaining property will go to the Foundation. There are tax advantages with this type of annuity. Contact your tax advisor about these advantages.

    Retirement Funds – The Foundation may be named as a contingent beneficiary of retirement accounts to succeed other family members.

    Life Insurance – The Foundation can be named as owner, beneficiary or partial beneficiary. It can also be a contingent beneficiary to receive the proceeds if family members do not survive the insured.

  • Why Should I Include the Foundation in my Will?

    Because your will says a lot about your values. What you do through your will makes a powerful statement about people and causes important to you. A bequest to the Green Valley Community Church Foundation is a convenient way to declare your way to the cause of Christ. Your will is the most flexible way to put your values and wishes into action.

    Additional information can be obtained by reading brochures available in our church office, or contacting the church office at (520) 625-4712 or office.umcgv@gmail.com